Every week on Fridays you can catch a tweetchat at #SEOGOFISH that really can help you with your SEO and online marketing efforts. you can read previous recaps of #SEOgofish on Content Marketing, running Site Audits, using Excel for SEO and more. You can also replay the #SEOgofish tweetchat on Nurph in real time.
This Week’s Marketing Heroes
- Chris Bawden – Techsmith – @crbawden
- Megan Pritts @msmondays
- Tanner Petroff – Utahs SEO Pros @tannerpetroff
- A.J Ghergich of Ghergich & Co @seo
- Brad Knutson @bradSknutson
- Sandra Dametto @girlatwork
- Scot Burner – Commission Express Advance TN
Tools to help Recycle your Content
- ~If you’ve created a video on a topic, then you can make quote images based on quoting it
- ~Licecap – You can use this tool to make a GIF screenshot for walkthroughs and tutorials
- ~GifBrewery – Turn videos into GIFs
- ~Speech Pad –Transcribe your audio for $1 a minute, great way to get text content from your videos.
Resources for Repurposing Content
Content Marketing Tip: Turn your business presentations into blog posts or videos for your followers and advocates. – Megan Pritts
The Ultimate Guide to Repurposing Content: 12 Ways to Extend the Life of Every Article You Write by Kevan Lee
Video is the richest original form of content. You can blog it, slice it into images, makequote images, transcript it, and more. If you’re working with a first time home buyer resource site, then you could record a video of two Realtors talking through the process and VOILA content for ages! That Local news coverage paddle board river clean up? That’s solid gold.- Jeremy Rivera
PDF To Gold
If your client has created a PDF then there could be some hidden gold in them thar’ hills! We were working with a Nashville personal injury law firm when the client, as an aside, mentioned that he’d actually witnessed the last electric chair execution. We were floored when we read the PDF. It was chilling and haunting content and knew it needed to be re-surfaced so we built out a post and then submitted it as a post to Reddit and got a flood of traffic. He still ranks #3 for the generic query of “electric chair”. He had that value hidden away on his site! What valuable content might you have hidden away?
Repurpose Ideas & Content From Social Media
You can use posts and ideas from Reddit or other social media sites to come up with unique content. Very useful for sites in boring industries like bathroom partitions, commercial metal doors, you can even find some bathroom humor in it.
Repurpose old whitepapers as webinars for your G+ followers. Then you can post them on @SlideShare! – Megan Pritts

My favorite is pulling 3-5 year old post I wrote and critiquing, it’s mostly internal repurposing but can be shared out – Chris BawdenExample: If you’re working on a Nashville roofing site, then look back on old posts and combine weak posts with new ones.
Use your site analytics to to determine common threads in your most popular posts and then applying them to your recycled post. – Megan Pritts

Use Mechanical Turk, Craigslist or college students to make transcriptions of your videos – Jeremy Rivera
Content Recycling: A to Z by Manya Chylinski
Use info from Google Trends http://www.google.com/trends/. You can also use Google’s search data to spice up your old content. Example: You could see annual trends for Nashville real estate agent searches and see that spring is a big upswing in search!
Content recycling tip: Read through your old blog comments for ideas on how to rework the post to make it better. – Megan PrittsExample: If you have a decking site, those old blog comments may have asked about the best stain, so write that into the post.

When I run plagiarism checks, if certain posts are taken often then I’ll try to write more on that topic in same style. – Chris Bawden
Turn old content into a @SlideShare presentation and embed it into a post or on LinkedIn
Use a Ghost writer like cara@bookcompletion.com to turn your blog into a Amazon publishable eBook
Canva – Social Media Images
Update: I recently became aware of a new tool called Canva. It’s is simple, drag-and-drop, design software that’s completely online and free to use. How to use it for clients? Well, if you’re working with a Nashville acupuncture studio then you could create a post with instructions on exercises to compliment their treatments.