Since I’ve been doing websites, Internet Marketing and SEO in the Nashville area since 1997, I’ve created websites with many different tools and processes. Over the past few years, I’ve standardized upon WordPress as the backend Content Management System (CMS) that I usually recommend.
WordPress is extremely flexible, powerful and it can be made very SEO friendly. Most websites use a WordPress theme that controls the major design elements (the look & feel) of their website. Unfortunately, many WordPress themes are poorly coded and many are just plain bad for SEO.
Joost de Valk did a great post on WordPress SEO Theme Guidelines that’s worth a read if you are considering a WordPress website.
The major theme of his post (sorry for the pun) is that theme designers should a) not do anything to get in the way of WordPress SEO tactics & b) write good clean code. Joost is the creator of the best WordPress SEO plugin (which we use and customize for all our clients) and he really knows what he’s talking about in WordPress SEO.
So if you’ve got a WordPress based website that’s not doing as well as you’d like in Google, give us a call at 2theTop Design. It might be your WP theme that’s holding you back from better rankings on Google. Either way, we can make sure you’ve got a great website that grows your business.
It would be great if you and Joost could at least name a view themes to definitely AVOID for us newbies who have no capacity to pay for SEO consulting. That would be a tremendous help for me. Please?